Saturday, 1 October 2011

Friday 30th September 2011

Yesterday our lesson began with us learning how to edit using the macs, it was difficult at first but by the end of the lesson I understood how to cut down clips, fit the clips together and could use the basics of the program on a whole. Last week we began planning and shooting our preliminary task, this involved writing the dialogue , finding the perfect place to shoot and drawing out the story board. When doing the story board it was important to consider different camera shots such as a long shot or a close up, so we had to consider before hand what shots we would use which was interesting as everyone had different idea's about what would work.

We started filming last week but unfortunately ran out of time, but yesterday when we looked back on our footage from last weeks we could see that we had made a few mistakes (such as not using the rule of all!) and also there was a few malfunctions with clothing, so in the end we decided within our group it would be better for us to start our filming again.

When we went to start filming yesterday, we noticed that where we started to film last week was occupied so we had to re think about where to film, in the end I gave an idea of where we should film and the group agreed that would work well for film and we were right as the lighting was perfect.

This time we made sure that we used the rule of threes, and we managed to incorporate it much better than we had done the week before. We had a few problems with the location such as people walking out in front of the camera and every so often there was quite a large amount of background noise, but in the end we managed to get all the footage that we needed. There was one shot that we did a lot of experimenting with and in the end it turned out to be one of the best shots as it was a long shot and also had the rule of threes and the lighting was also perfect, so this shot proved that experimenting can be worth while.

Once we had gotten all our footage we went back and uploaded it all onto the macs and started to edit it together, we struggled abit at first as it was our first time properly editing clips together and it was quite difficult to find the exact spot of which to fit them all together, but we managed to fit them all together perfectly  and it turned out looking great.

But sadly it was not as good as we thought, this is because someone pointed out that within our dialogue we had not used the 180 degree rule. So with each line of dialogue we swapped the over the shoulder shot, so the first person had the camera on one side of their shoulder and then the second person would have it on their other should. We were all devastated we had made such a simple mistake, but we all still felt extremely proud of how well the video on a whole had turned out in the end.

This task was extremely fun and extremely challenging, I loved getting the chance to experiment with different shots we had been learning about over the past few weeks and also trying out different lighting and locations was interesting as we all got a chance share our ideas. I also learnt the importance of the rule of threes and the 180 degree rule and how they can effect the outcome of videos.

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