Axis match: This is when the angle of the camera is in relation to the object on the screen, this remains the same from shot to shot.
Cross-cut: This is when two different shots of different action and places are put together simultaneously, they are usually related.
Direction match: The direction of a person or object that is the same throughout cuts.
Dissolve: This is when one shot gradually disappears and the next shot gradually appears.
Duration and pacing: The rhythm and duration of scenes and shots.
Eye line match: A cut of two characters within different shots that appear to be looking at one another due to the direction of the way they are looking.
Fade in: The gradual lighting of an image from dark (black) to light.
Fade out: The gradual darkening of an image.
Graphic match: Juxtaposition of graphically similar images.
Iris in: When an image is gradually shown from blackness through an expanding circle.
Iris out: This is the reverse of the iris in.
Jump cut: A break or jump in time, caused by removing a section of a shot and then splicing together what remains of it; on-screen the result is often jerky.
Movement match: Action that starts in one shot and continues onto the next shot.
Parallel cut: Editing that alternates shots of two or more areas of action occurring in two different places, usually simultaneously, that often run together later in the narrative.
Straight cut: Two shots that are joined together with no obvious continuity.
Wipe: One image is gardually replaced by another at a boundary that moves across the frame. This boundry is often a straight line, which moves vertically across the screen (but may also take other directions and shapes.
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